Recipes and Crafting

This page covers the settings for crafting recipes in the AdvancedItems plugin. You can define custom crafting recipes for your items using the settings provided here.

Crafting Example

  # Layout for crafting. If you want no item in that slot, use a space ` `
    - 'WWW'
    - 'WWW'
    - 'WWW'
  # Define each material below. Material name, e.g. `W` must be 1 capital letter
      type: CRAFTING_TABLE #Crafting Table

To create a custom crafting recipe, you will need to define a layout and a list of materials. The layout is a 3x3 grid represented by three strings with three characters each. Use a single capital letter to represent a specific material or a space if you want the slot to be empty.

In the materials section, you will map the single capital letter used in the layout to the actual Minecraft material. For example, in the example above, 'W' represents a crafting table.

Items use the universal item configuration format from our plugins,

Using custom items in recipes

You can also use other custom items in crafting recipes! Here's an example of how an item can co-depend on another custom item to be crafted:

  # Layout for crafting. If you want no item in that slot, use a space ` `
    - 'WWW'
    - 'WAW'
    - 'WWW'
  # Define each material below. Material name, e.g. `W` must be 1 capital letter
      type: CRAFTING_TABLE #Crafting Table
      customItem: Teleporter

Simply define customItem in the config, which is custom item's name. This is case sensitive.

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